Thaddius Bedford
The Sporting Life is the brain child of world-renowned photographer, publisher, and globetrotting adrenaline hound, Mr. Thaddius Bedford. Mr. Bedford has spent the past 30+ years providing his unique brand of business development and design skills for clients, as well as, for his personal entrepreneurial pursuits.
Founder & CEO
Mr. Bedford has received numerous national and international accolades and awards to include two Golden Moose Awards throughout his career for his skills behind both video and still cameras. Mr. Bedford’s expansive portfolio of work spans from catalog shoots, to advertisements, magazines, and television production. Mr. Bedford’s direct publishing experience includes publisher of Lady Shooter Life Styles and co-publisher of Clay Shooting USA, Trap Shooting USA, and Wing and Clay Life. Mr. Bedford’s expertise and leadership qualities provide the very foundation from which The Sporting Life, LLC will garner its success.
That Perfect Moment
Embark on a visual journey with Thad's world-class photography collection. Each image tells a story of sophistication and elegance.
Underwater Photography
Immerse yourself in Thad's artistry of underwater photography. Experience the depths through the lens of this world-class photographer.
Explore the adrenaline-filled world of motorsports through stunning visuals captured by our expert photographer. Immerse yourself in the action.